Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog #6: Comment on a colleague's blog

The issue of illegal immaration across the teaxas boarders, the immigration activists push that the use of illegal immigrants is crutial in filling jobs in feilds such a construction. However I belive that with the continuing growth of illegal immigrants in this state it is taking away jobs that could go to the people who are native cititzens to the state.
If the sate were to step in and continue the push of anit-immigration into the state the jobs that were originally filled by illegal immigrants could go to the that of the people who have no job and need it who are citizens of the state. If the people that are citizens were to have the jobs that illegal immigrants do the money would be taxed and that would go back in to the economy which would stimulate the economy unlike the money being paid to the illegal immigrants which isnt being taxed.
Looking at both sides of the issue I support the anti-immigrationists who are continuing the push for more protection on the boarders to help lower the number of illegal immigrants into Texas.

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