Wednesday, May 5, 2010

AZ Immigration Reform Legislation

There are mixed feelings about the state of Arizona enforcing the immigration reform bill, there are people in high places that say they agree with the bill entirly, Benson Mayor Mark Fenn said "I agree with this bill for the same reasons the governor has stated. If the federal government isn't going to enforce laws that already exist, then the state needs to step in and take action. The bill that Governor Brewer has signed in to law requires that law enforcement helps in assisting the enforcement of the immigration law. The sate of Arizona is not making a new law, the state is simply enforcing the national law requiering immigrants to carry their immigration papers and for the local law enforcement to make the proper arrests or citations needed if the immigrants do not have their papers or are illegals. Neson Police Chief Paul Moncada said"It will Put an additional requirement as far as determining immigration status of people we come into contact. it's going to take more time and more effort to enforse this law...". Others say that this bill is racial profiling, and that only the people of a different race other then "white" will be questioned.
On Moday Governor Brewer signed an additional bill which was approved by Arizona legislation to stop the concerns or comments that the law is regarding racial profiling. Along with the wording changes such as "lawful contact" to "lawful stop, detention or arrest" to clarify that officers dont nees to question the people that they come into tcontact with about their legal status.
There are many mixed feelings swarming through the state of Arizona, many are unsure why the bill is suddenly being enforced and others agree with the bill entirely and say that there needs to be further improvements to protect the boarders to prevent this from continuing.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Blog #6: Comment on a colleague's blog

The issue of illegal immaration across the teaxas boarders, the immigration activists push that the use of illegal immigrants is crutial in filling jobs in feilds such a construction. However I belive that with the continuing growth of illegal immigrants in this state it is taking away jobs that could go to the people who are native cititzens to the state.
If the sate were to step in and continue the push of anit-immigration into the state the jobs that were originally filled by illegal immigrants could go to the that of the people who have no job and need it who are citizens of the state. If the people that are citizens were to have the jobs that illegal immigrants do the money would be taxed and that would go back in to the economy which would stimulate the economy unlike the money being paid to the illegal immigrants which isnt being taxed.
Looking at both sides of the issue I support the anti-immigrationists who are continuing the push for more protection on the boarders to help lower the number of illegal immigrants into Texas.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blog #5 The Texas Senate's biggest spenders

I came across this article while lookin for an article for this assignment, The Texas Senate's biggest spenders. The article talks about how much the Senate spent from September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2010, in that fiscal year the senate spent 16 billion dollars on routine administrative and travel expenses. On average that is $500,000 dollars for every senator of a 31-member body according to the records of that year individual spending of the lowest spender was around $205,000 who didnt even serve a full fiscal year. Based on the needs of thir districts and the make up of the district each senator can spend the taxpayers money as he or she pleases. The senate puts no restriction on how many districts each senator can have so each senator can continue to spend as much of the taxpayers money they wish on "campaigns" to help them get elected. Senators also spend money on subscribtions to two newpapers so they are able to get their name out but these senators are such frugal spenders they dont take into consideration that the source of their money is coming from the very people they expect to vote for them but if the senators of these states countiue to spend the taxpayers this fugaly the people that vote for these senators will lose trust in the fact that the government is trying to help the economy yet countines to spend money like it grows on trees.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog #4: Health Care On The Menu

I came across this story while looking around on the internet and it talks about the new health care bill and the new requirements placed on small businesses who dont bring in enough revenue to offer their employees health care. How are they supposed to provide or get healthcare for thier employees?
According to the story San Francisco has had an ordinance like this for over a year now and for the small bottom of the line stores an increase in costs with having to provide health insurance for empoyees. With an increase in costs for insurance its is an increase in costs for costomers and with an increase in costs for costomers means a loss in costomers and with a loss in costomers means stores are having to close doors and some for good. With stores having to close their doors it will result in an overall decrease in the revenue of the city, San Francisco is only one Example about what could happen in the future with other cities. President Obama and the Democrats who signed the bill into law dont seem to have takin into consideration about the possibilities that with the law now saying that small business owners must provide health insurance for its employees could send these small business that dont bring in alot of revenue in a downward spin due to the increase in costs for the business.
THe healthcare law has put into place many increases to smal business owners and expect the business owners who are at the "bottom of line" to be able to bring in enough revenue to be able to pay for the new costs of health insurace for employees when the businesses didnt bring in enough revenue to pay for it in the first place.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Bog #3: Loverde: Our military needs every bit of help it can get

While I was searching for an article on the AustinAmericanStatesman entitled Loverde: Our military needs every bit of help it can get, by: Anthony Loverde.

The article is refering to the time that Anthony Loverde served in the military up until he told his commanding officer he was gay. His commanding officer said "It has been an honor serving with you, if there is any thing you need you let me know." then sent him home. He was sent home because he violated federal law when he admitted he was gay and in the military. This law the military finally admitted was wrong. I agree with Mr. Loverde, at this point in the war and what all is still going on in Iraq it is my opinion that the militry let gays and lesbians serve inthe military openly. Just because these people might be gay or a lesbian that doesnt mean that they can not sever in the military just as well as any other man or woman who are staright.

Mr. Loverde Recived an honorable discharge and was hired on with the KBR as a defense contractor soon after his discharge papers went through. He was sent back to Iraq and began working with men that he served with while on active duty. I agree whole heartedly that the federal law of "dont ask, dont tell" needs to be repealed and takin out of law as sson as possible. The military is becoming increasingly thin of people to defend our country, letting gay men and women serve in the military whom may have been turned down when first appling would increase the people in out defenses and open the doors for more and more gay men and women to enter the military and sever our country the same way that straight men and women do.

If the "dont ask, dont tell" law is repealed the opportunities fo rmen and women whom are gaya would be great. They would no longer need to hide their sexuality and live their life as the person that they truly are with out living in fear that if they enlisted without telling the recruting officers that they were gay and then get sent to combat in Iraq our to any other base and told a fellow service member that they were gay and violating federal law and suffering the reprocutions of being discharged.

Gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve in the military with out living in fear of being discharged or living a life that isnt true to them.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog #2: 9/11 Comments Trip up Governor Hopeful Debra Medina

I was watching the news this morning and was interested in the story the news anchors were dicussing about teh comments that Governor candiate Debra Medina had made about 9/11 conspiracy. She made the comment that the attacks that took place on 9/11 had government involvement behind them. How ever now looking like she "shot her self in the foot" she is trying to clean uo her comments and deny that she belives there was government involvement in the attacks, she says that she has never seen or heard of any proof that it was muslim terrorists who flew the planes into the buildings. I came across this atricle on the website for the Houston Chronical.

Here is a link to the article: